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Vietnam Religions

Vietnam possesses a rich mixture of religions, which reflects the influence of many cultures. Among major religions in Vietnam, there are six official ones: Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism, and two indigenous religious traditions emerging during the colonial period, Cao Dai and Hoa Hao. In addition, Hinduism is also a prevailing religion followed by the Cham ethnic minority in the Southern Vietnam. According to the constitution, every Vietnamese citizen is given the freedom of religion, but their right is often constrained, particularly with regard to any religious activities that could become a forum for dissent. Each religion with its particular practice and rituals not only makes Vietnamese spiritual life more colorful and unique but also has a profound impact on the people as well as their culture.

Vietnam Hinduism
Vietnam Hinduism

In addition to Islam, adherence to Hinduism in Vietnam is primarily...

Vietnam Hoa Hao
Vietnam Hoa Hao

Hoa Hao is an indigenous religious tradition, a variant of Buddhism...

Vietnam Cao Dai
Vietnam Cao Dai

Cao Dai is an indigenous religious movement having been officially...

Vietnam Protestantism
Vietnam Protestantism

In 1911, Robert A. Jaffray, a Canadian missionary first introduced this...

Vietnam Islam
Vietnam Islam

Islam is mainly followed by Cham people, an ethnic minority group...

Vietnam Catholicism
Vietnam Catholicism

Roman Catholicism was first brought to Vietnam by Portuguese Catholic...

Vietnam Buddhism
Vietnam Buddhism

The Mahayana tradition of Buddhism is the most dominant religion in...


