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Myanmar Culture

Although court culture has been extinguished, popular street-level culture is vibrant and thriving. Drama is the mainstay of this culture, and just about any celebration is a good excuse for a pwe. Performances may recount Buddhist legends, or be more light-hearted entertainments involving slapstick comedy, dance, ensemble singing or giant puppets.


Lacquerware are objects, such as boxes, bowls and buttons, which are...

 Local Legends
Local Legends

When in a local rural Myanmar village, you won't have to look far...

Betel nut
Betel nut

It is a local custom in Myanmar to chew betel nut like someone in the...

Gold leaf
Gold leaf

When gold is hammered into extremely thin sheets it is referred to as...

Cheeroot Myanmar Culture

Cheerot is a local produced low cost cigar of roughly 3.5 to 6.5 inches...


While you explore Myanmar you will pass many women and children with a...


