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Myanmar Beliefs

Food Offering Ceremony
Food Offering Ceremony

Every year,  at the end of the Buddhist lent, the Myanmar People...

Novitiation Ceremony
Novitiation Ceremony

Today, we will present one of the noblest ceremonies for Buddhists in...

The Worshiping of Nats
The Worshiping of Nats

Taung Byone festiva, it is usually held during the month of August. The...

The Man-Lion : Manussiha
The Man-Lion : Manussiha

The man-lion mythical creature best known in Myanmar is the manussiha,...

Peacemaker and Benevolent Prince: Lawkanat
Peacemaker and Benevolent Prince: Lawkanat

The Lokanat is for the Myanmar people a symbol of peace and prosperity...


