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Thai Cultures

Thailand is located at the meeting point of the two great cultural systems of Asia, Chinese and Indian. In everyday life, Chinese culture has mixed very well with the Thai, whereas in Thai court culture, which has been based mainly on Buddhism and Brahmanism, India has exerted a strong influence. Thai culture can be divided into 3 aspects: linguistic culture, court culture, and traditional culture.

Business Etiquette and Protocol
Business Etiquette and Protocol

 It is interesting to explore some business etiquette and...

Thai Society & Culture
Thai Society & Culture

The main Thai Society and culture include the...

Etiquette & Customs in Thailand
Etiquette & Customs in Thailand

Here are some etiquette and customs that you should know before travel...

Traditional Thai Wedding
Traditional Thai Wedding

Traditional Thai Wedding is one of the interesting Thai cultures.There...

10 popular Thai Customs
10 popular Thai Customs

With its chaotic veneer, Thai customs are easily overlooked in...

Absolute Reverence
Absolute Reverence

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, and the royal family is revered...

Thai greeting
Thai greeting

The Thai greeting referred to as the wai consists of a slight bow, with...


