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Myanmar Cuisine

Myanmar people enjoy rice as their main food and it comprises about 75% of the diet. Rice is served with meat or fish, soup, salad and vegetables all cooked in their own ways, and some relishes to complement the meal.

Pickled Tea Leaves (or) Laphet
Pickled Tea Leaves (or) Laphet

Taking tea usually without milk and sugar is the custom in the Shan...

Pounded Dishes
Pounded Dishes

There is a set of kitchen equipment which the Myanmar housewife can not...

Shan Fish-Tomato Rice
Shan Fish-Tomato Rice

Customarily the end of monsoon in Myanmar heralds an ideal climate...

Mandalay Myee Shay
Mandalay Myee Shay

For a learner in English language nothing thrills me as the discovery...

Myanmar Famous Mohingar
Myanmar Famous Mohingar

Pundits say that the world is at the dawn of a New Golden Age of...

Shan Soaked Noodles
Shan Soaked Noodles

Myanmar offers a variety of noodle dishes: friend noodles, noodles in...


